Key moments
0:02 - New game selection
0:03 - Loading screen
0:07 - Game begins
0:15 - Idle player alert
0:20 - Nudge player action
0:31 - Board re-orientation
0:38 - Settings adjust
0:42 - Theme selection
0:47 - Game & avatar updates
0:55 - Game finish
Patrick Hosmer Motion Test
Tic-tac-toe mobile gameplay sequence
Understanding that tic-tac-toe is a minimal and terse game, I attempt to accomplish three things through motion:
- Maximize joy
- Emphasize non-linear aspects of play
- Increase interaction between players
Maximize joy
Here, traditional analog game elements are elevated to delight; Xs & Os, avatars and screen loaders all have a subtle, weighed bounce. Joy is for the living. These things are alive.
Non-linear aspects of play
Analog tic-tac-toe can be played side-by-side or across a table because the game has no fixed or correct orientation. A mobile game that ignores this truth has committed a design crime. Allowing players to re-orient the board gives them another way to rethink the game and their opponent.
Interaction between players
The scourge of user-on-user games is waiting. Here, when a player is idle, their opponent can directly nudge them with a playful swipe. This would yield an alert on the opponent's end to make a move.
Addendum: 3rd party integration
Warby Parker's brand focus is seen less in a re-skinning of elements and more in the persistent avatars at the bottom of the game. The faces are auto-fitted with the store's glasses which are labeled for the remainder of the game. And at the game's conclusion, the winner's frames are detailed with an option to purchase out-of-game.
The Warbyland theme ensures a fun —and funny — and unique gameplay experience every time.