Hey Mister

​Hey Mister, the blog of Patrick Hosmer

Miscellaneous Media Forced To Be Represented By Very Specific Media

If you have a friend named Heather or Courtney or Jen then you have a friend who is in her late 20s complaining that all her friends are getting married. It used to bother me but it doesn't anymore because I'm too busy having panic attacks over the realization that all my friends are starting their own companies. 

    "Always the groomsman and never the LLC, right fellas?"

                           - Patrick Hosmer, stand-up comedian

I've been lucky to have helped a handful of good friends brand their businesses and just recently, I got to do it one more time for the guy who used to accidentally get all my work e-mail sent to him. Sharing a first name (and near identical last name) with a co-worker lends itself to instant nicknaming and fortunately, Patrick Holbert already had an alias

It's no wonder then, that he named his production company Miscellaneous Media. 

He asked me to design a few treatments for his production page - the one-second production company ID that appears at the tail end of every TV show - and I made these. Once again, because I'm lucky, he chose one to use for all his shows.

Can you guess which one?

Watch MTV's True Life: I Have a Parent in Prison on 3/28 at 10 to find out!