The Many Disguises of Charlie "The Disguiser" Sheen
Also known as "My face."
Used for: Movie and TV roles, Life.
Also known as "The Secret Stache."
Used for: Driving the sitter home.
Also known as "I Get That a Lot."
Used for: Travel abroad, driving the sitter home.
Also known as "The Aluminum Sheen."
Used for: Evading the very real aliens from The Arrival, keeping face fresh.
Also known as "The Harassment Suit Avoider," "Damnit."
Used for: Occasionally filling in for Seagal, not seeing out of.
Also known as "The Cheater."
Used for: Driving the sitter home.
Also known as "Dark Sheen."
Used for: Petty crime, finishing own sentences.
Also known as "The Murder Doll."
Used for: "Hiding in a creepy pile of toys, occasional comedy gigs in The Poconos.